Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Movie - Plaktragaszt (1960)

I recommend to look Plakátragasztó movie (Bill Poster).

Movie Is being made - in 1960.

DOWNLOAD Plakátragasztó MOVIE NOW!

Color Info: Black and White
Countries: Hungary
Genres: Short
Languages: Hungarian
Sound Mix: Mono
Tech Info: OFM:35 mm, PFM:35 mm
Release Dates: Hungary:1960

In movie played:

István Szabó (director)
Articles: "Svenska Dagbladet" (Sweden), 21 August 1992, by: Hans Schiller, "Szabó och filmen om det nya Ungern"
Interviews: "Der Tagesspiegel" (Germany), 6 May 2001, Iss. 17339, pg. W1, by: Johanna Adorján, "Vor allem Großmutter war entsetzt", German, "Total Film" (Hungary), February 2000, Vol. 1, Iss. 11, pg. 17-19, by: Bálint Varga, "Vox" (Hungary), February 2000, Vol. 1, Iss. 34, pg. 58+60,
The one and just Oscar champ Hungarian chief to date (2006). (Although a Hungarian-American director, Michael Curtiz [Mihaly Kertesz], also win an Oscar in earlier times bordered by prop of direct Casablanca). He received the bequeath for his 1981 the flicks Mephisto. In January 2006, it become local that he extraordinary be an agent of the III/III department, a earlier communist agency of inside insight. After the revolution in 1956, he be blackmailed and embarrassed to cooperate, conversely after that he was considered near pleasure cooperative. Allegedly, he write reports in the constituency of fellow Hungarian director, actor and actress such in forte of Miklós Jancsó, Mari Töröcsik, Károly Mécs. An acknowledged Hungarian novelist Zsolt Bayer have said the behind about it: "This be the occurrence to re-watch Mephisto. It has basically become clear that Szabo directed his particular go in the movie, masterfully." Szabo has never denied the charge and consider his agent trade heroic and needful, claim he save the life of a pa sentence to disappearance for his collusion in the revolution of 1956., Istvan Szabo is the best-known and one of the most critically acclaimed Hungarian film directors of the past few decades. In the 1960s and '70s he directed auteur films in Hungarian, which explore his own generation's experiences and recent Hungarian history (Apa (1966); Szerelmesfilm (1970); Tuzoltó utca 25. (1973)). For the public beyond art house cinema, his signature film trilogy consists of Mephisto (1981, winner of an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film and a Cannes Award for the Best Screenplay), Colonel Redl (1984, winner of a Jury Prize at the Cannes Festival) and Hanussen (1988). He made a switch to English-language films with Meeting Venus (1991), Sunshine (1999), Taking Sides (2001) and most recently Being Julia (2004), which garnered an Oscar nomination for actress Annette Bening. His most acclaimed films came from his work with famed Austrian actor Klaus Maria Brandauer, and his ongoing collaboration and friendship with cinematographer Lajos Koltai. In 1996 he was awarded with a Pulitzer Prize for his TV documentary series, "The hundred years of cinema".
Birth Notes: Budapest, Hungary
Trademarks: Cinematography by 'Lajos Koltai' (qv).
Member of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival in 1986., Member of the jury at the Berlin International Film Festival in 1985.
Birth Date: 18 February 1938

DOWNLOAD Plakátragasztó MOVIE NOW!

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